Gosh, it’s hot here

This blog is intended for technical matters, not to tell you about my (ineffably fascinating) life. However, I reckon at times I owe my readers at least a small update to explain some absence. So there: I’m travelling India at the moment, and will keep doing so until early October. Between the horrible heat and the splendid weed vistas, I haven’t gotten to writing much (truth is, the main reason is that within the regions traveled and the budget of this trip I absolutely can’t find a decent table to type on).

This doesn’t mean this blog and particularly the Python’s Innards series are dead, nor even on-hold until October, it just means they’re taking their time. I hope to publish the next post soon; after all, in this part of the world, सुब कुछ मिलेगा.


3 responses to “Gosh, it’s hot here”

  1. Where are you at the moment? If you are anywhere near Bangalore, we can meetup for Coffee/Beer and talk Python too. Also, if interested we can have a local users group meetup. Hope you enjoy your vacation.

    1. Hi!

      I’m currently in Himachel-Pradesh, and will most likely stay to the north of Delhi for the rest of the trip.

      That said, I’d be delighted to meet and/or visit a user group meeting. If our plans change, I’d be sure to let you know.


  2. Senthil Avatar

    I see. Enjoy your trip. Himalchal should be much cooler place than Delhi. 🙂
    Yes, do let know if you happen to visit South of India.