Author: Yaniv Aknin

  • Contributing to Python

    So you have some free time to donate to Python, and don’t know where to start. Good. If you follow these cookbook instructions, you can also be a Contributor to Python™ 60 minutes from now. Most of what I’ll cover here is covered elsewhere (I’ll link), but this concentrates everything together so you really don’t…

  • Python’s Innards: Introduction

    A friend once said to me: You know, to some people, C is just a bunch of macros that expand to assembly. It’s been years ago (smartasses: it was also before llvm, ok?), but the sentence stuck with me. Do Kernighan and Ritchie really look at a C program and see assembly code? Does Tim…

  • Labour updated

    I just pushed an update to labour which supports forking multiple HTTP clients, alongside with some other small improvements. For the sake of this update I wrote a simple module called multicall which enables a process to distribute a callable among several subprocesses (POSIX only). More elegant solutions exist (‘import multiprocessing’ come to mind), but…

  • Workers of the world (wide web), unite!

    A few days ago I ran into an interesting post by Ian Bicking about a benchmark that Nicholas Piรซl ran on WSGI servers. Go ahead and read the original posts, but the the skinny is that Nicholas’ (and many others’) focus was about performance, wherein Ian (and I…) feel more attention should be given to…